Labor Market Research

Research Labor Market Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion 

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is a concept that organizations use to promote the fair and just treatment of people from a rich variety of demographics in the work environment. This is beneficial not only from a social perspective. Under the right conditions, DEI increases innovative capacity and productivity within teams, improves the retention of employees, and attracts new talent. Especially in the context of globalization and demographic change, these are essential components of being an attractive employer.

WifOR’s Diversity Score

WifOR’s Diversity Score measures a company’s diversity using key indicators such as gender, age, cultural diversity, gender pay gap, work flexibility, and skills. From this data, the score can be determined for a nuanced assessment of diversity in a company.

How is the Diversity Score measured?

The diversity score uses quantitatively measurable and company-specific data to assess performance in each indicator on a scale from 0 to 10. The higher the score, the more diverse a company is in the respective indicator. The overall score (combining the indicators) ranges from 0 to 100.

WifOR Institute’s Diversity Score

Diversity Score

WifOR Institute’s Diversity Score


What does the Diversity Score offer companies and other organizations?

The Diversity Score is accessible and can be implemented by companies with relatively little effort, as it is based on quantitatively measurable indicators. It shows a snapshot of the basic strengths and weaknesses of a company in the area of diversity. This creates transparency for communication with internal and external stakeholders. In the context of ESG reporting, the score offers the possibility to measure key social indicators.

DEI Impact Analyses

The EU directive on non-financial reporting (CSRD) is putting companies under increasing pressure to live up to their social responsibility. A central component of the CSRD is a so-called materiality analysis, in which companies identify priorities for the strategic direction of reporting. DEI studies enable companies to understand which measures have the strongest social and economic impact – especially for those that have identified Diversity, Equity & Inclusion as a key area for action.

How is DEI Impact measured?

In a first step, WifOR determines the status quo of the relevant DEI indicators and examines their influence on the mental health of employees. Our labor market experts then quantify a statistical correlation between the current status of DEI in a company and the mental health of employees. Finally, WifOR calculates the resulting burden of illness and productivity losses. This monetizes the impact on mental health.

Exploring the Social Impact of Diversity and
Inclusion: A Case Study on Employee Well-being


Exploring the Social Impact of Diversity and Inclusion: A Case Study on Employee Well-being


What do DEI Impact studies offer companies and other organizations?

DEI impact studies enable company-specific calculations on potential productivity gains through Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI). The studies provide concrete evidence of where companies have gaps and where their strengths lie, enabling HR managers to identify how progress in DEI can be effectively achieved. The study also offers evidence in favor of implementing these targeted measures.

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Annika Feith
Researcher International Social Policy
Kay Petrisor
Head of Strategy & Business Development