Latest publications

Journal publication
Ahmed Seddik, Ahmed Seddik, Foteini Tsotra, In collaboration with Nima Melzer (Novartis), Prof. Dr. Dennis Ostwald

The Societal Economic Impact of Secukinumab in First‑Line Treatment of Moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis in Germany: An Open‑Cohort Simulation

Method paper
GIST, Harvard Business School, Impact Economy Foundation, Impact Institute, Social Value International, Sustain Value, Transparent, Umwelt Bundesamt, Value Balancing Alliance (VBA), WifOR Institute

The Case of Monetary Valuation

Dr. Arpit Misra, Dr. Platon Peristeris, Foteini Tsotra, Katrin P. Ostwald, Prof. Dr. Dennis Ostwald

Value of Medicines in Ireland


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